- Deacon
- США«Дикон» — одноступенчатая ракета с РДТТ
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Deacon — steht für: Deacon (Rakete), eine amerikanische Höhenforschungsrakete eine Variante dieser Rakete, siehe Nike Deacon ein chemisches Verfahren zur Herstellung von Chlor aus Chlorwasserstoff, siehe Deacon Verfahren einen erloschenen Vulkan, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Deacon — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cohete Deacon con un modelo de prueba a escala en el morro Deacon fue el nombre de un cohete sonda estadounidense alimentado por combustible sólido y comenzado a desarrollar en 1945 por el Allegheny Ballistics Labor … Wikipedia Español
deacon — [dē′kən] n. [ME deken < OE deacon < LL(Ec) diaconus, a servant of the church, deacon < Gr diakonos, servant, messenger (in N.T., deacon) < dia (see DIA ) + konein, to strive < IE base * ken > L conari, to try, W digon, can] 1. a … English World dictionary
Deacon — Dea con (d[=e] k n), v. t. 1. To read aloud each line of (a psalm or hymn) before singing it, usually with off. [Colloq. New. Eng.] See {Line}, v. t. [1913 Webster] Note: The expression is derived from a former custom in the Congregational… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Deacon — Dea con (d[=e] k n), n. [OE. diakne, deakne, deken, AS. diacon, deacon, L. diaconus, fr. Gr. dia konos a servant or minister, a minister of the church; of uncertain origin. In sense 2 prob. confused with dean.] 1. (Eccl.) An officer in Christian… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Deacon — [ diːkn], Henry, britischer Industriechemiker, * London 30. 7. 1822, ✝ Widnes (bei Liverpool) 23. 7. 1876; war v. a. in der Sodaindustrie tätig, verbesserte u. a. das Leblanc Sodaverfahren; erfand 1868 eine Methode, Salzsäure katalytisch zu… … Universal-Lexikon
deacon — O.E. deacon, diacon, from L.L. diaconus, from Gk. diakonos servant of the church, religious official, lit. servant, from dia thoroughly + PIE *kon o , from root *ken to set oneself in motion … Etymology dictionary
deacon — [n] clergyperson church officer, cleric, elder, priest; concept 361 … New thesaurus
deacon — ► NOUN 1) (in Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox Churches) an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest. 2) (in some Protestant Churches) a lay officer assisting a minister. ORIGIN Greek diakonos servant … English terms dictionary
Deacon — This article is about the office in the Christian Church. For other uses, see Deacon (disambiguation). Saint Stephen, one of the first seven deacons in the Christian Church, holding a Gospel Book, painting by Giacomo Cavedone 1601 Deacon is a… … Wikipedia
Deacon — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Deacon (diacre en français) est un patronyme anglophone, utilisé parfois comme prénom. Sommaire 1 Patronyme 2 Prénom … Wikipédia en Français